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慈善國際泰拳賽Pak Lung-International Muay Thai Charity Cups 2011(圖)
慈善國際泰拳賽Pak Lung-International Muay Thai Charity Cups 2011
資料來源:中國互聯網特邀記者 小寶報導
是次由音樂人黃貫中擔任設計總監及LMF陳大飛負責音效總監還有頂級視覺專業Max / X24 / Polar Bear製作公司統籌,務求為觀眾帶來一個緊張而富娛樂性的晚上。
拳壇盛事,萬勿錯過!火速購票熱線致電6626 2868。
Fight 1: 黃富文vs.溫展鵬 Wong Fu Man vs. Wan Chin Pang
重量級新人戰, 兩位首次踏足大場的拳手, 早於三個月前已投入對賽訓練, 千槌百練,百打成金。
Open fight for the night, both new heavy weight fighters have started preparation 3 months before the night. Excitement is a guarantee.
Fight 2: 謝蘊昭vs.端木宛惠 Tse Vienna vs. Tuen Mo Morgan
不少拳迷認為女子賽比男子賽更刺激, 粉黛之顏拳腳交加, 竭而不捨加上狂風掃葉的進攻, 緊張節奏每令觀眾喘不過氣。
Most audience will vote for the excitement of “cat fight” for its aggressiveness. Features with uncountable punching and kicking, you will feel the breathless atmosphere.
Fight 3: 翟錦豪 vs. 林德志Chak Kam Ho vs Lam Tak Chi
變幻莫測的打法, 2010香港63公斤級拳王翟錦豪面對全國賽銅牌得主林德志, 一場技術與體能的決戰, 兩位南轅北轍的拳手誰領風騷?觀眾萬物錯過。
Technique master, 2010 63kg Hong Kong champion Chak Kam Ho will fight against king of fitness, bronze medalist of China National Muaythai Game, Lam Tak Chi. Two absolute different approaches are promise for excitement.
Fight 4: 高龍 vs. 卡裏津狄Khanjit vs Kalijundic
一直有個疑問, 傳統泰拳的狠辣對決準而快的kick boxing誰勝誰負?善泰拳的高龍與加拿大Kick boxing拳王卡裏津狄將會給大家答案。
When muaythai vs. kick boxing, precision vs. fastness, which one will win? The answer may be given by kick boxing champion Kalijundic and muaythai champion Khanjit.
Fight 5: 王宗浩 (酋長) vs. 諸桑Wong Chung Ho vs. Chusong
2010香港57公斤拳王王宗浩面對戰鬥經驗多出一倍的斯利賓, 一場以小擊大的比併, 究竟是拳怕少壯還是經驗決勝?拭目以待。
57 Kg Hong Kong Champion Wong Chung Ho will face an opponent with doubled experience, Chusong of Thailand with 32 fights record. Shall the young and lion heart Wong or the experienced Chusong win?
Fight 6 super fight 超級賽: 杜比VS阿基奧基Tobe vs. Akeugkee
同為WPMF拳王, 瑞典拳王杜比升磅挑戰泰國拳王阿基奧基, 勇氣可嘉之餘亦向泰拳之始創地泰國下戰書, 不是猛龍不過江, 看來阿基奧基得小心應戰。
Fight for the pride of muaythai, WPMF Champion Tobe from Sweden will challenge WPMF Champion Akeugkee from Thailand. When Champion faces Champion, thee shall see the climax.
Fight 7郭家文vs.積連 Jin Kwok vs. Jakrin
精妙細緻、聰明機智來形容兩屆香港輕量級拳王, 2010世界泰拳業餘賽銅牌得主郭家文的技術, 可謂當之無愧。不過拳怕少壯, 面對年輕十歲的積卡連,郭家文能否隨機應變, 再下一城?
Jin Kwok, known as Unicorn, 2 times HK Champion and bronze medalist of IFMA 2010, will meet Jakrin of Thailand, who is 10 years younger than Jin. Shall the cunning Unicorn be challenged by fast and furious Jakrin?
Fight 8 巴剎 vs. 於他宅Bahzad vs Yutajak
二百戰165勝的記錄,Siam Omnoi Stadium 16人淘汰賽冠軍, 於他宅實力早被肯定。以硬朗著名的伊朗拳手巴剎能否硬到最後?各位為巴剎祈禱吧。
With 165 win over his 200 career fights, Champion of 16-men elimination tournament of Siam Omnoi Stadium, Yutajak has proved himself master of muaythai. On the other side of the world, their men are described as “borne fighter”. Shall the toughness and tolerance of Iranian Behzad make him the Champion of the fight?
Fight 9: 何國強vs.藉及 Ho Kwok Keung vs. Jankum
拳迷對這位29秒踢30腳的閃電龍應不陌生. 三屈香港拳王, 亞室運銅牌得主何國強將迎戰現於Rajabhat College修研泰拳的泰國拳王藉及 , 此戰是實踐與理論研修的 龍爭虎鬥。
If you are muaythai fans, you must have seen the speed of Lightening Dragon who made 30 kicks in 29 sec. 3 times HK Champion, bronze medalist of Asian Indoor Games, Ho will face Jankum, a professional fighter and researcher of Muaythai in Rajabhat College.
Fight 10: 沙馬差vs.雲馬裏奧Samerchai vs Wanmario
是晚的三場超級賽之一, 瑞典拳王雲馬裏奧迎戰沙馬差, 五回合兩分的賽事不利於習慣三回合賽事的歐洲拳王, 估計雲馬裏奧必定於戰事初段狂攻猛打, 務求盡快擊倒沙馬差。
Often trained for 3 rounds match, most European fighters are disadvantaged in 5 rounds matches. As the super fight will be made on 5 rounds basis, Swedish Wanmario must adjust his tactics to go against Samerchai.
Fight 11: 馬蘇狄vs.域天宅 super fight Masood vs. Rittijak
壓軸重頭戲63公斤A+超級賽, 泰皇杯冠軍域天宅對碰亞室運沈量級銀牌得主,伊朗拳王馬蘇狄, 雙龍作出五回合生死戰, 爭奪沈量級至尊。
Final fight for the night, A+. The championship between Kings Cup Champion Rittijak and silver medalist of Asian Indoor Games, Masood from Iran. This “King of the King” will be borne in 5 rounds.